Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Midnight at Mountain Ranch.

Charmed is defined by Webster as an adjective meaning extremely lucky or prosperous. I am so blessed to honestly say that I have lived a charmed life. A life that begs that I pay it forward; I have had enough hardships to appreciate good things but not so many that I am jaded. I am a walking contradiction; more so even then most women. Something men never seem to understand. Something my mom said a man will some day love the most about me. Here I am talking about my prospective relationships from my mother's perspective. It is like saying, "my mom thinks I am funny" in a nasally, defensive voice. But at the same time my mom has been known to tell me the truth even when it's insulting. She wouldn't say it unless she thought it was true.

I love the rain but I hate wet clothes. I love the snow but I hate the cold. I love the beach but I hate the sand. I am contrary and agreeable, empathetic and annoyed. Life is a blessing and a curse; a burden and a joy.  

I think I have talked about this before but I think I finally understand WHY I am this way:
The colors of life are not as vibrant if you have never experienced darkness.

Just like the sun is always brighter when you have been in a room with little light. I would not experience the joy like I do in small things if I did not experience annoyances, frustrations, and even anger. I would not sing songs about Dave's Killer Bread if I was never irritated that the sink was clogged. I would never understand how precious and important life is had I not married someone that did not care about mine.

Let yourself feel things; deeply and intensely. Then tell your face you're happy and handle the situation with as much grace and class as you can possibly muster. Life might be about balance but that doesn't mean you get to be a bitch because you are sometimes awesome. It means you are supposed to treat people with the respect they don't deserve. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2  A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3  A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
4  A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5  A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6  A time to get, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7  A time to rend, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8  A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time of war, and a time of peace.

I hope this made sense. I am a little worried it doesn't.

:o) Sara.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wow. Just. Wow.

Welcome to this installment of the Craigslist Edition. This weeks involuntary submission comes from "sick of feeling rejected". I clicked this add because of it's obvious ties to last night's posting. I chose this post because, as always, it's a real gem.

sick of being rejected - 24 (eagle river )
Where is the woman who will love me for who I am and not what I don't have ? Why do the women allways reject me when I want to date them? No I don't have a job car or my own place to live but, you don't need that to love someone. I want to be loved and i'm sick obeing single. Rejection hurts more and more everytime I get rejected. I want to get married and have that family soon but it's killing me to open up to a woman just to get shut down. I am 24 and I am going to school through the university of phoenix for psychology. I moved up here about 10 months ago from Iowa. All i am looking for is love from a beautiful woman who wants to enjoy life. not a gold digger whch I seem to run into all the time. please if you are abeautiful woman who is just looking to be loved and give love please reply to this and send a picture . I will get back to you as soon as i can. the closer you live to eagle rier the better.

Dear Rejected,

Boy do I know how you feel. I am gainfully employed, I have my own place, a new car, and a decent head on my shoulders. I am funny, usually easy going, and have a true love for life. What I don't have is a boyfriend. Or a prospect. Or the capacity to see a rhetorical question and not answer it like a smart ass.

Your ad doesn't make me want to jump at the chance to be with you. I think perhaps that it's time for you to leave denial land and cross over to the side of self awareness. I'm sorry that your attending an online college while unemployed, carless, and living with your parents is not exactly a relationship aphrodisiac. You know what girls like? Men with jobs. I appreciate your attempt to better your circumstances by attending college in your PJs but unfortunately women appreciate income more. They don't want you to take them on a date in your dad's car, spend the night on your twin bed and have your mom cook them breakfast, and/or fund your gaming addiction. Just because a woman likes to have nice things, wants to be in a relationship with someone who is hard working, and can buy them dinner doesn't mean they are gold digger. It means they are sane.

Thank you for going to college. But I have known plenty of people with full class schedules that work almost full time and have their own space AND a car. I know. It's hard to believe.

But fact: we are in our mid-twenties. You should have something by now. My heart goes out to you in your hard time however no one is going to want to be with you when you're whining about how no one wants to be with you and you're not doing anything to change the circumstances; a lesson I am learning the hard way.

I hope you're having a great day!
Your Reality Check.

Monday, August 15, 2011


I just realized something awful about myself and I have to broadcast it to you because that's what I do. So here it is:

I don't like men that like me too much.

When I was in 6th grade I had the biggest crush on David Abbott who was clearly way cooler than me and out of my league. When I was in 8th grade I was stood up at the dance by Jonathan Povelite. Brett Lafarve (yes that was his name) asked me to dance and I gave him my phone number. My friends made fun of me for dancing with him because he had on a plain white teeshirt that was a little dirty and I felt ashamed and wasn't overly nice to him when he'd call so he stopped calling. Now the Plain White Tees are a bad ass band and I stalked Brett on Facebook once and I think he might be hot now.

I loved Ryan Monson. He ended up being my first boyfriend but only AFTER he dated my best friend. I remember her slipping me a note in Spanish class that said "Lo siento Sara, pero me gusto el conejo". Translation? "I'm sorry Sara, but I like The Rabbit" (The Rabbit being the codename given to said crush). She dated him for three weeks, broke up with him, and then he dated me.

You get used to the rejection. It starts to feel like the natural course of things. It is comfortable. We all know the story with my ex husband; that just compounded this notion that I should be uncomfortable if a guy likes me too much or spends too much of his time thinking of me-that there must be something wrong with him. So when a nice guy comes along I am pretty good at fucking it up. Or I stay fat. Because at this point it feels normal to be rejected.

Good heavens. This might be the worst and best revelation ever.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

KNOK! KNOK! Ur Prince Charming is here (anch)

Oh YAY! Yes, ladies it's true. This week's Craigslist "addition" brings us prince charming. Aren't you excited? I thought you might be. So without further "a do":

KNOK! KNOK! Ur Prince Charming is here (anch)

prince charming is at the door will u answer ?

I've been single for a little wile now and have done very well in life, the feeling of being alone or the need for a gf./lover/wife has not challenged my way of life. it was a needed break after my last few encounters in this area, (WINDS OF CHANGE) as we all know life does change. I would like to find a LTR, MONOGAMY and TRUST what I'm looking for is white female, hwp, 30 to 45 or so. I realize that's not much to go on but this is ALASKA after all, the whole 10 to 1 reshow, just don't be crazy.lol

About me, I'm worth it

If u do reply you'll need to send a pict. and put in some thing about this town or I'm not able to respond....

Dear Prince,

Welcome to 2011! It used to be that words and terms had to be abbreviated for space purposes when they ran ads in newspapers. Then what happened? Well, then there was a dawning of the technological age. One of the great things that we have gotten from this is Craigslist which you have obviously discovered and begun to use in earnest.

In case you didn't know, CL has the capacity to provide you with an almost unlimited amount of space in which to create your ad. This doesn't mean you should use all of the space available to you to blather on about your bad relationships, your mom, and the details of your life best not provided to the general public. However, the great thing is that you can "wow" your potential mate by using spell check, spelling out "u" and "ur", and explaining more about yourself than "I'm worth it."

On another note, while I commend you on your capitalization of "I", I was saddened by your spelling of "KNOK". I mean, what did the letter "C" ever do to you? My favorite things start with the letter "C": cookies, cranberries, crack, coffee, and co...well, you get the idea. Just so we are clear; it's spelled k-n-o-c-k.

The last thing I want to address in this epic fail of a description for who I assume is a nice, adjusted man is that Alaska does not have a 1 to 10 reshow. I know what you were getting at but I think the word you are looking for is "ratio". And I think it might be closer to a ratio of 2 females for every 1 male.

At any rate, I hope my notes have helped. Welcome to CL.

Thank you for your time,


Alright I'm out but in the mean time if you want prince charming, you know where to find him.

Love Always,