Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My cat and dog never fight-but my brother and I do!

One time my brother hit me over the head with a guitar. True story.

One time I tackled him to the ground with brute force and beat the bejesus out of him for spending my babysitting money on candy at the stop-in store.

We have called each other the worst names and told each other the deepest confidences.

We fought over everything! The remote to the TV, the telephone, the computer, the last soda. If it was a hot commodity it was a fight.

Sometimes we got sent to our respective rooms but more often we vowed that we wouldn't tell Mom and Dad and they were never the wiser for our misbehavior.

Even now that we are adults we still fight. The themes are a little more serious than who gets to be on msn first. My dissaproval of how he is living his life wars with his annoyance with me for speaking my mind, my easy tempered and organized life is in direct conflict with his unguided, carefree spirit. However, there is one thing that will always be the truth, that he could never change, that no one could change: He is one of the few people in the world that I would be there for no matter what the circumstance.

No matter what happens my brother has a title no one else will ever have. He is my only sibling, the greatest tie to my childhood. Even when he infuriates me, makes the worst decisions, and I want to knock him upside his little head, I love him.

He has been making me laugh my whole life and I am thankful that he is my brother.

Here is to all the siblings out there!

Indublious! :o)

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