Sunday, February 6, 2011

Get it together.

I haven't posted in awhile!

I am cursed when it comes to electronics. In a span of a few weeks I broke; the screen on my iPhone, the screen on my kindle, and my computer overheated and shut down. So...I have been a bit computerless. Bad news for me-but I know you don't give a shit!

I think you probably want to read my riveting description of heart break followed by lamentations about relationships. No? Great! I will talk about shoes, hose, and lingerie.

I will begin by saying that I get a high off of shopping. I think that might go into the OCD category and I try to allot only a certain amount of money to shopping each month and I stick to it most of the time. I don't have high credit card balances and I come out being (or masquerading as) a responsible adult.

It's not my fault. I like things. Now, before you get out your pitch forks and torches and start chasing me around the Kolosky Center, demanding my head please understand that I know that people are way more important than materials. It's only that I like to be surrounded by a room that looks nice. I like to wear clothes that are at least semi acceptable. I love undergarments that match, even if no one sees it. I adore a new pair of shoes. Now, if you have a dishwasher in the middle of your living room for weeks at a time and a refrigerator on your front porch you are not going to feel at home in my house. True story. If you live in a superman tee shirt and your pajama jeans-well, you get it by now.

I was having a conversation with my mom this morning about how one of my "love languages" is gifts. My mom said that is a fancy way of saying that I am materialistic. She's not wrong except that I am not selfish with my money or things. You need 20 bucks? Okay. You desperately need a new pair of shoes? Sure. I help out my friends. I donate to good will. I give to charity. You can borrow anything of mine. I would give my last penny to my best friends. But, if I have an extra $100.00 I am probably going to buy a bra that matches my underwear and I am going to loooove doing it.

There is something about getting up in the morning and putting on nice things that I thrive on. I feel better all day if I feel put together. That is why I wear heels in the dead of winter. That's why I did a face plant into the sidewalk at Erika's house when my heel got caught in between the boards of her porch. Anything to feel confident!

Maybe there is something wrong with me-but I don't think so. I like to buy things but I love to give them even more and that is the truest story of all. I get just as much of a thrill giving a gift I know someone will love as buying for myself. I like to get but I love to give. I am free with my time and money, unselfish with my emotions, and maybe just a little bit materialistic.

As Erika would say: It's just smelly paper.

<3 Sara

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