Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Something New

I have an idea. Yes, scary!

Here is the backstory to my idea:

I am in love with the book "The 5 People You Meet in Heaven" it is such a poignant story and the last line of the book is:

Each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.

I believe this to be especially true. That people do have a real effect on each other whether they know it or not and it is so important to share our stories; sometimes for laughter-sometimes for inspiration or encouragement. And in the spirit of that I created a new blog that is open for posting to everyone. To tell your story, post your poem, or just vent about some encountered absurdity. You can post anonymously, identify yourself with a pen name, or don't hide who you are at all.

Here is what you do:

go to
sign in on the top bar
PASSWORD: Cents123

Click on "NEW POST" and tell your story, share your advice, write whatever you want.

There is only ONE rule: BE CLASSY!

I hope this works because I am really excited about it. Even if you don't think you're much of a writer, please post; I want to know what you have to say.

Happy Posting!

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