Ladies, I have discovered something profound. It's the philosophy you never knew you had. A proverb that defines womanhood. The advice your mom never gave you but that you developed out of respect for being a "lady". Show me a lady who does not have this secret motto and I will show you a woman who is really more like a man.
Now, you may want to replace your pious panties with your big girl underwear because this is going to be a real shocker.
The axiom you never knew was yours is this: Handle every situation with grace and then talk about it later when the offending parties are not present.
I once read in the bible that gossip is bad. The tongue is an unruly evil. Thank you James; I get it, I do. But how are you honestly NOT supposed to talk about people ever? I try not to say bad things about people but sometimes you have to vent jokingly to your best friend about the moron on Craigslist who thinks "it's a good talkerative" is a great way to describe the verbal capacities of one African Grey Parrot.
And I mean, when did it EVER become okay to wear a leopard print cardigan to the office. This a business, not a brothel.
I find that my mouth gets me into a lot of trouble. I remember even when I was young my mom used to say, "You need to take a lesson from your brother. He knows when to stop talking." Oh my. She was right. As usual.
I sometimes say the wrong thing, an offensive thing, or too much of a good thing which ends up being a bad thing. But I have plenty of people that I vent to who in return volley their complaints about non present parties. This of course is a nice way of saying that we talk about people behind their backs. We all do it. Show me a woman who doesn't and I will show you a liar.
And really, I have said some very unpleasant things about people that I do care deeply about and I know that I get talked about as well. To be honest, I would rather not know what is said about me. I know who loves me and who doesn't. I would rather not have resentment towards someone for saying something about one of my more obnoxious moments that was less than complimentary.
This secret code that we live by....well, it's more than fine with me.
Until next time, welcome to the CBC. That is the catty bitch club to which we have all been involuntarily indoctrinated because of a chromosomal induced disposition.
:o) I can't believe I am posting this. I love you all. Please still be my friend.
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