I live in a place where the temperature has no concern for the clarity of the sky. A place where huge mountains stand guardian over vast wilderness: most of which is virtually untouched by the hand of man. People flock here from all over the world seeking adventure, peace, and awe. I know most will find it here because I do. Some find solace in the mountains, in the ocean, and some in the forest.
I find peace on the water. And last night I went there to think after I found out that Joe referred to me to people as the "x of doom." It really hurt my feelings. I have never been so upset-hurt and mad simultaneously. I have never had a panic attack before-but I think I might know how it feels now. I couldn't breathe, I was shaking, I was saying something that was probably completely melodramatic, and I had an urge to strike him that only the thought of the police getting involved quelled.
Maybe it doesn't seem like a big deal. I am partly to blame...but given the chance wouldn't you look through your ex's phone? No? Well maybe the ex of doom sentiment is true in this case. But when someone tells you "I will always love you" and "this isn't it for us" you hold out some semblance of hope. Then you wonder why he stops talking to you when you thought maybe, finally you were going to work something out.
Last night, after moving my things out of our beautiful house and seeing the horrible condition of the house, seeing myself referred to as the "x of doom" and reading text messages detailing very private and intimate things about myself to women I don't even know-yea, I was a wreck.
I went to the creek where we used to play as kids and sat for about half an hour. I cleared my head as much as possible and just listened to the sounds of the earth. There is a spot in the creek, maybe an unseen incline where every few seconds the water swishes louder than the other babbling. I felt so calm. The beauty of a river or a creek is something Disney's Pocahontas taught me when I was very young:
"What I love about rivers is, you can't step in the same river twice, the water's always changing always flowing. But people I guess can't live like that, we always pay the price. To be safe we lose our chance of ever knowing. JUST AROUND THE RIVER BEND!!"
I never thought a Disney song from a totally ridiculous adaption of Pocahontas' story could exactly encompass how I feel about my love of the water. I walked away from there feeling peaceful. And chuckling.
I know you are probably wishing I would get to the point now and I am getting there, believe me.
The point is I am thinking of getting personalized license plates for my new car . "XODOOM" is available. I checked when I got home.
UGH! What an ass. :o)
That's gonna be an awesome plate! Stand strong girl no one deserverse to be treated like that!
ReplyDeleteOhhhhhh my wonderful Sara. I love you so much, and so do a whole lot of other people! I'm glad you were able to find some peace and healing in nature, and I'm proud that you are able to find it within yourself. You are so much stronger than you sometimes give yourself credit for! I'm so happy to call someone as loving, fun, beautiful, and full-of-life as you my friend!
ReplyDeletePS: Do you think we can attach a loudspeaker to the BSCNR so as to constantly blast "Just Around the Riverbend" everywhere we go? THEME SONG, HOLLA!!
-Agent A
AWW Annie. I heart you. You're the best. I know I haven't talked to you in forever but I really do love you and I am thankful to the bear skin clad natives that you are my friend. As far as your loud speaker suggestion, I think that it a fabulous idea. However, we will have to play it itermittently with ICE ICE BABY DUN DUN DUN DUH DUH DUN DUN!
ReplyDeleteHOLLA BACK!
Agent S.