It is no secret that I love to peruse craigslist. It can provide hours of free, mindless entertainment at the click of a button. I know that there are several websites dedicated to "The Best of Craigslist" and today I feel the need to discuss why I believe that at times, craigslist is in fact, the bane of existence.
Yesterday I was clicking through CL personals and saw this little nugget of intelligence:
Hi am27 5'9 In shape. Been divorced for 3 years now looking to get married again. Iam in the military been in for 8 years. I live alone with my dog. I like kids what some soon. Am looking for someone that has motivation. Please do not be over weight sorry not trying to be mean but u have to have standers in life. I love riding dirt bikes and quads, shooting guns also like to just chill and cuddle up watch a movie with a girl. Please put eye color in the title and your pic gets mine.
First of all I noticed that this person is not a fan of complete sentences. He needs a lesson in fragments and sentence variation. I told you I hate to be the grammar police because I know I make mistakes too but, "I like kids what some soon"? Is that even English? However my favorite part comes a few moronic sentences later; "Please do not be over weight sorry not trying to be mean but u have to have standers in life" . Why on God's green earth would take the time to type "do not" instead of "don't" and then use "u" instead of "you"? And I am sorry but what the hell is a stander? Don't get me started on the fact that you are looking for a girlfriend on Craigslist. Cars, pets, apartments, and oh yes, girls...but sorry, my standards usually include someone who can spell the word standard. SOUND IT OUT. I am not even offended by the fact that he sounds completely shallow what offends me is his inability to conjure a paragraph without 20 errors.
You may want to lower your standers...just saying.
This one is a big F-- (That's eff minus, minus for all you Strongbad fans)
Until next time, uphold those standers!
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