The question of the day is this: why do people bring up the most ridiculous, irrelevant, and stupid things when in an argument?
I'm guilty. I've done it many times. But I just. don't. get. it.
The other day while in a text fight with my ex (thank you technology for vomiting out that little treasure, whatever would I do if I couldn't get into a three hour text war) he writes to me, "you don't know what love is" which at that moment was about as relevant as saying "you hate turtles". Seriously, we were talking about our house and he comes out with "you don't know what love is"? And while I commend him on his proper grammar courtesy of the iPhone auto correct function the comment was, well, totally irrelevant.
I know sometimes the mind wanders. Occasionally someone will be talking and you were only half listening and you feel like an idiot when you reenter the conversation from three minutes ago. It's embarrassing. But when it's text form-there is no reason to not know where you left off. Just saying.
And God forbid that we actually call each other. Instead all that stupidity is actually in writing. I text on occasion but I rather like conversating with real flesh and blood humans. It's no wonder we haven't been invaded by space aliens-they have been intercepting our texts for the past five years and they are going to just let us kill ourselves off-because it's bound to happen eventually.
Of all the ridiculous posts...
This is funny, only because 3 weeks ago I myself was arguing with someone all night over text. And after a few glasses of wine (o ok a bottle) I was saying some pretty nimrodish things that are now on record forever. :)