Me: Dad, will you teach me how to paint? I suck at it.
Dad: (looking like I asked him to kill a man) yea, you suck at it.
And then he proceeded to tell me for the 9 gazillionth time how awful it was to paint over "that blue in your old bathroom." And I nodded and let him tell me, appreciating his plight but thinking that I wasn't the one that let a 16 year old me pick paint colors and head downstairs with roller and brush a sucky paint job that I thought looked, like, totally amaze!
Dad: What color are you trying to paint over?
Me: robins egg ish
Dad: (as he twitched with post traumatic stress disorder) so it's blue? You know how many coats it took to paint your old bathroom? (And then with a sigh) When?
I love my dad so much.
And I appreciate my parents allowing me to express myself by decorating my own bathroom (in all it's underwater glory) and my room (which looked like a stupid retro Easter egg). So when Jessica came to live here I let her pick her own paint color and we taped out squares (Pinterest!) and in regular teenager form the girls had a painting party. And then she started writing song lyrics on the same wall with black marker and I was initially annoyed but figured I would have to paint the wall anyway and let her write away.
And tonight, two coats in, I know that as cute and teenage girly as her room was that I will never. Ever. Do this again. Sorry future children. You'll have to ask your "auntie" Jess why you can't paint your room, like, dark purple and gold.
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