Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fat Girls Don't Go Outside.

So annoyed and adding this to my arsenal of reasons why I have to get not fat. I am really interested in adding skiing to my list of things to do this winter so that I can reach my goal of thinness by my 25th birthday. However I cannot find a pair of snow pants that I like that fit...anywhere. Not even online. I am so pissed right now. At myself mostly, but also at the fact that clothing manufacturers are apparently hellbent on keeping consumers fat by not making any outdoor gear that I can stuff my big butt into. They  make pants ranging from small to quite large for men but for women the only pants available are for extra extra small to large. Of course, I could buy pants made for men but they make me look like I have junk. So that is not advised.

Because fat girls hate to go outside.

Confidence. Health. Style. In that order. Add now: Confidence, health, style, and snow pants.

Now, if you don't mind I am going to go gut myself so I can purchase the proper snow gear for skiing and outdoor purposes.

Thank you for listening to my rant. Okay.


1 comment:

  1. Sara, I just want you to know, I love reading your blog :) I know we haven't talked or whatever in a long time... but i love your reflections on life, craigslist, etc. and you make me smile every time... so keep it up... and if you ever want to grab a cocktail let me know!
