Saturday, June 11, 2011

"I tell people I am training for a marathon when I am really sitting on my couch watching Jersey Shore"

I love Post Secret. It coddles the part of me that not many people will ever know. The lonely part, the misunderstood part, the confused part. But most of all it makes me feel connected to humanity in a way that few things could because it speaks to my scared part. I am not the only one who doesn't want to tell anyone about a thought or event for fear of being judged or because it's too personal.

For those of you who don't know what Post Secret is check it out at Basically it is a nationwide community art project where you write a secret on a post card and send it to a guy in Maryland who posts them in books, on the Internet, and speaks at universities throughout the country. They come in all varieties: sad, funny, ridiculous, disturbing, terrifying.

The title of today's entry was stolen from one of last week's "Sunday Secrets". It made me laugh. We have all told a lie before to make it seem as if we are being more productive than we actually are. At least I think we do. I have. And I feel connected to this person because so have they. It makes you feel a little less alone in the world.

So, in light of my proclamation of Post Secret adoration; here are some of my own secrets.

I pilfer post-it notes from work. Not whole tablets or anything-I'm not a thief but I probably use 7 or 8 sheets a week. I write the mean things I think but do not say on them and then I throw them away. If the cleaning lady ever had the notion to dig through my trash she may find out that I am not very ladylike.

I despise Lima beans. They are a sick and foul tasting bean.

I hate the word 'moist'.

I fear that people see me as a weak person.

:o) And I sent one into Post Secret anonymously. Maybe you will see it someday...the beautiful thing is that sending it has allowed me to let go.

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